Humor is also a way of saying something serious. - T. S. Eliot

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mother-of-the-Year: Stealing from the Purse's of Babes

It was because I was having financial issues that I decided to return to work.  I was also losing my mind and had heard on a news report that moms who work outside the home are "happier" and enjoy better mental health than stay at home moms.  The only exception to that finding is if the working mom attempts to be "Supermom" and do it all at home and work.  As Mother-of-the-Year, I knew I would not be at risk for attempting to be a "Supermom," who does "everything."  We all know I don't do homework.

And so, off to work I went in the hopes that I could avoid future episodes with my five-year-old loan-shark.

Not long ago, I had a man come dethatch the yard and was $5 short.  I asked Sophia if she had any money -- Dave was gone, so I couldn't rifle through his wallet.  Luckily, Sophia came through.

I assured her I would pay her back.  Within 20 minutes, she was reminding me I still owed her money.  I explained I would have to go to the bank to get cash.  Things got busy and over a two week time period, I failed to make it to the bank, though with her daily reminders, such as, "Did you forget?   You owe me money."  Or "I hope you get a chance to get to the bank today to get my money...." I certainly hadn't forgotten. 

By the second week, she really put her foot down with me as far as paying her back so I went to Dave and explained the whole situation and then asked him if I could borrow some money to pay Sophia back. After laughing at me, he claimed his wallet was empty so I headed to the bank the next day and swore I'd never ask my 5 yr-old loan shark for a loan again.

Now I steal from her. 

Luckily, Sophia is more like me than not when it comes to organization and keeping track of her items.  Dave and Ella are likely to be rich not because they are good savers, but because they are so poor at organizing and keeping track of things that all the money they earn, they misplace, only to find in piles here or there -- after they needed it.  Back in the day -- before kids -- when money was not so hard to come by as it has been lately as a stay at home mom, I used to hide money from myself so I wouldn't spend it AND because I knew myself well enough to know I'd forget where I put it.  I still sweetly remember the day we moved out of our condo five years ago and, as I moved the fish tank, a neatly folded wad of $50 lay under it.

Sophia doesn't hide her money, yet, and if I cover my tracks quickly, she hopefully won't start.  I knew right where she kept her money and when Ella's bottom tooth fell out on Sunday necessitating a visit by the tooth fairy, I went straight to Sophia's purse once her head hit the pillow and extracted $1 from her tiny crocheted wallet while at the same time asking Dave to please be sure to replace the $1 in Sophia's wallet before she notices.  

 "It's odd, don't you think, that I am the one in charge of our family finances?"

And, in direct contradiction to what the study stated about working moms not being happy if they have to do it "all" Dave pointed out, "Yes, but it makes Shannon happy.  It's all about control.  Shannon has to do everything."

Three days later, Dave replaced Sophia's stolen $1 bill, and my mental health continues to improve every minute that I am at work. 

1 comment:

  1. It wasn't "stolen" it was paid back...just like last time, but she just didn't hound you about it. ALL IS WELL...what she doesn't know won't hurt her!! I have "emergency money" in the car and my wallet.
