Humor is also a way of saying something serious. - T. S. Eliot

Monday, May 23, 2011

Blueberries with Legs

If I don't blog now, I don't know when I might get a chance to do so.  And since I've become mostly a mom-blogger without any time for indulging in more creative-type writing, I feel less pressure to sit here and try to form something perfect versus just writing about our goings-ons this past week.

  • I fed the girls blueberries at breakfast.  Seeing something on the floor, we all just assumed it was a blueberry; however, Ella inspected it closely and announced that the blueberry "has legs!"  It is May here at our house and that means that all the ticks that live in the preserve behind our home hitchhike on Mocha and land in our home.  Apparently the tick overindulged a bit, sucking enough blood from Mocha to become the size and color of a blueberry.  Of course I called my sister in law and left her a message since we are both hugely fascinated by the gross things in life. 
  • Andi wore a lady bug backpack for three days straight.  The only time it came off was when she was in the tub.  I tried to take it off to go to bed and she yelled at me, "I NO LIKE MY BACK PACK OFF!"
  • Andi succeeded in something I had not.  I was desperately seeking chocolate this week and had not found any. We try not to keep junk food in the house which is mostly a good thing, but some weeks I really hate myself for not buying indulgences like M&M's, etc.  Anyway, I sat upstairs sorting laundary, enjoying that all three children were quiet.  When I came downstairs, I found this....(Note the backpack)

  •  I promptly picked up the phone and told Andi's grampa that he is NO LONGER allowed to bring my children GIANT chocolates filled with caramel.  (He won't listen, he knows I'm all hot air.)
  • The girls lost the remote.  After 15 minutes of looking, Dave went up to Ella, who was in bed, and asked her where it was. She responded gruffly, "Try looking somewhere you haven't looked, yet!"
  • Sophia and I spent til 1AM at Children's Hospital -- she had strep for the 3rd time in 4 weeks.  We are off to her regular pediatrician this week to figure out why this is happening and if and what we need to do to address this problem. 
  • Ella and Andi pulled a piece of furniture over -- my wall now has two huge holes in it.  The hole from Ella's head slamming into it after a trip down the stairs when fighting over a purse with her sister last year....
 The hole from Andi and Ella pulling over a piece of one was hurt...
  • To finish off the week, Ella had her dance recital and Bobo came up just for the day in order to watch Ella's 2 min performance. Ella told me when she went to bed that she couldn't fall asleep because "I am so excited about my recital.  I am going to dream about sleeping on the stage."  Apparently, she loved performing.  How sweet...

Looking Forward -- The Week Ahead

  • This is the twins last week of preschool and the thought of it has nearly made me want to cry and fight it away not wanting it to leave and give way to the summer which will lead to kindergarten which, for me, equates the end of their babyhood.  But then I became hooked on reading about a mom who just gave birth to a little girl last week after her husband died suddenly last fall.  This mom is also preparing to say good-bye to her son who is dying of brain cancer.  She will not see him age and as I realized that fact, I suddenly became excited about watching the girls grow into children.  I realized what a great gift it is that they will soon turn 5, then six and so on...Here is the blog if you'd like to follow this mom on her incredible journey: Click Here
  • Memorial Day is coming -- and so are Uncle Pancake and Aunt Header who can braid hair and indulge the girls in cupcakes and cookies while Uncle Pancake accompanies daddy to a Twins game. 
  • While I try to progress plans for a class I am teaching on Present Moment Parenting, as well as clean the house, and write a parenting article for a local parenting website, my heart is going to be with my gramma who said good-bye to her gentlman friend tonigh.  The good thing about gramma is she stays in shape and takes care of herself.  The downside to all this, is that she has now had to say good-bye to two "great men" -- one was my grampa and her husband of 50? years...the second was her companion/boyfriend for the last 8? years.  His death was quick, but comfortable in a hospice setting, and she was able to sit by his side.  I am sending her peace and comfort. 

1 comment:

  1. I was kind of hoping to see a picture of the tick but whatever you made up for it with cute girls instead. ;) I hope you get to the bottom of Sophia's sickies,I bet Ella was the star of the show and Andi well, she just needed a treat.
    Enjoy your week!! K
