Humor is also a way of saying something serious. - T. S. Eliot

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Heather

Even keeled.

That's Heather. Calm, rational, and with a sharp, biting sense of humor that I LOVE.  It comes at me in her e-mails, which she drips my way in a rare instance of free time. "Does she even know how funny she is?" I wonder.


That's Heather. Working on a graduate degree in microbiology, I think, it's all so big-wordy and scientific, I'm never quite sure. Someday, I say, she'll have a PhD in germs. How lucky, I think, that I will have a sister-in-law who knows everything about food safety and germs?  


As evidenced by reading all the words on a page, in every long-winded children's story there is. And setting up forts in the front yard. And lulling two of my children to sleep in her arms, something I have never been able to do.  They love them some "Aunt Header"

Happy Birthday oh quietly sassy one.

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