Humor is also a way of saying something serious. - T. S. Eliot

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Meant It

When I said that I shouldn't go to Haiti on an humanitarian effort that involved parachuting out of a plane to the location because I feared it would be MY parachute that would fail to open, I meant it.  When I said in the previous post, 

"Ask anyone in my family about my luck and they'll say, "If anyone's gonna step in the gum, it's Shannon.  If anyone's gonna get pooped on by the bird flying overhead, it's gonna be Shannon. If anyone's gonna get the furniture that you have to assemble and get the box missing a part, it's gonna be Shannon."

it's because all of that has happened.  Numerous times.  

And just to drive this whole point home, I'm going to share with you that today is the GREATLY ANTICIPATED day of the twincesses bunkbeds arriving. The men arrived ON TIME (can you believe that?) and began unloading the truck.  

I was getting excited.  I had the kitchen cleaned, dinner 1/2 done at 1:30 in the afternoon, and I would have plenty of time to thoroughly clean our nursery furniture before the couple who plans to buy it stops by.  My day was suddenly going very, very well.  I felt a little lilt in my steps. 

 The  men had all the many pieces loaded into the twins room and then came downstairs, 

"Ummm...Maam?  Ummm...There doesn't seem to be any hardware with this bed.  We're going to leave and see if we can find any back at the warehouse.  You're going to be around all day, right?  We can come back IF we find some."

Shit. To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. I fall off curbs and trip on sidewalk cracks (when I'm not runnig into tree limbs). You always get the missing hardware or instruction items. I think my karma must have a contagous element to it. Sorry!!!!!
